Monday, September 6, 2021

 Mt Ranch Muzzleloaders 

 October 8th, 9th, & 10th 2021


  Gates open Wed at 9:00 a.m. Must be out by Mon at 12 noon 

Range opens Fri & Sat 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., opens Sun 8:00a.m. to noon

Eye and Ear Protection Mandatory

 Shotgun & Trade Gun with clay birds begins at 5:00 Fri & Sat 

  Men’s Rifle  Women’s Rifle  Flintlock Rifle  Pistol Trail

  Trade Gun (trail & clay birds) 

  Hawk & Knife  Re-entry Trail Walks  Junior Trail

  Pee Wee Trail  Pee Wee Hawk & Knife

 Overall Champion = Rifle + Pistol + Hawk & Knife

New category - Lever Action .22 caliber trail walk

 Primitive Camping Area available

Camping Fee—$15.00 per tent, camper, trailer, motorhome - 

Trader’s Fee—$30.00 Blanket Traders $15.00—CA Resale # 


Fees pay for property rental and porta-potty rental

No Ground Fires—No Garbage Disposal

Sponsored by West Point Archery & Gun Club 

Booshway—Rusty McGhee—209-754-3713